Saturday, March 31, 2012

Who Doesn't Love Food, Shoes, & Books?

Tammy over at Klinger Cafe is having a GiVeAwAy!  There are three chances to win and the prizes are mondo FABULOUS!  First place wins a $30 Zappos gift card.  Second place wins a $15 gift card for Chili's.  And third place, but still an awesome prize, is a $15 Amazon gift card.  Are those awesome prizes or what?  Who couldn't need more shoes, food, or books?  I certainly could.  Head on over to Klinger Cafe to enter!  And good luck to you (and ME)!


1 comment:

  1. Ashley thank you for blogging about my little contest! I would love for you to be a guest blogger! How does the April 6th sound to you? Let me know!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe
